Alex Dault

Game Writer and Narrative Designer

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I create worlds of integrity which persist player expression and focus that expression into meaningful play.

(Above) Caverne des Caribous, written and directed by Alex Dault. Chloe Payne and Michelle Urbano (Puppeteer) Photography by Adrienne Callan.

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A world of integrity is a system of ideas and signifiers which command the imagination of a player to dwell within its bounds.

(Above) Turkey Shoot, written by Alex Dault. Left to Right: Waawaate Fobister, Shaina Silver-Baird, Jeremy Lapalme. Photography by Jordan Probst.

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Meaningful play is about the player receiving something in exchange for time spent. Maybe this is deeper comprehension of an idea, emotional catharsis or connection with another human being.

(Above) Firebrand. Written by Alex Dault. Left to Right: Greg Campbell and Clara Pasieka. Photography by John Gundy.



Ideation & Brainstorming

Localization (French)

Writing & Editing Marketing Copy

Beat Charts

World Building

Quest Design

Story Bibles
